NOTE: This blog is now available as a book with added comments and thoughts. It is a fundraiser for MSA research. Please consider purchasing either a kindle version from the Kindle store @$3.99, the Paperback version at Amazon @$19.99 and letting all your friends and family know. We can help find treatments and a possible cure for MSA and other alphabet diseases! It can be purchased here.
Also visit my original, "all-purpose" blog

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thanks to all!

This post will actually precede the post I am referring to, but if anyone has questions just go to next post (older).

The video featuring the MSA patient has won the Neuro Film Festival. It was a runaway in numbers. For all of you that voted, THANKS! Awareness of this (and other) rare neurological disease is greatly needed. Now all the attendees of the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting will see the video. I can tell you from experience that even neurologists are not always aware of the symptoms of MSA.

On a side note, although I am glad the MSA video won; and obviously I lobbied for the result - I am saddened to an extent by the fact that there were other videos there from just as dedicated family members, patients, and caregivers about other diseases that got almost no support/votes. Although I have a personal interest in promoting MSA awareness, I know ALL neurological diseases need attention, support, and research. I wish all those afflicted with and affected by these diseases the best. May treatments and cures be found for all.